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HomeCruisethis dream of Tom Cruise which came true on the set of...

this dream of Tom Cruise which came true on the set of the film

Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz starred opposite each other in 2001 in front of another Cameron’s (Crowe) camera in the strange but successful Vanilla Sky (marked by the meeting between the first and Penélope Cruz). Nearly ten years later, the two Hollywood stars found themselves in Night and Day, a rather amusing and rhythmic action comedy. The actress revealed in The Mask plays an everyman. June Havens travels to Boston to attend her sister’s wedding. On the plane, she meets Roy Miller, and falls under his spell. She quickly discovers that the latter is a CIA agent. Pursued by several organizations, the spy takes the young woman with him on his run. The beginning of the end for her.
Tom Cruise aka Ethan Hunt, stunt specialist
It’s no longer a secret. Tom Cruise likes to do his own stunts. Better yet, he has made it a specialty. As evidenced by his multiple high-flying experiences on the saga Impossible mission. Whether it’s climbing the dizzying Burj Khalifa in Ghost Protocolto hang on with your bare hands to a cargo plane that takes off in the next part, or even play bumper cars… with a helicopter in falloutthe interpreter of Ethan Hunt never misses an opportunity to be a daredevil. Night and Day is no exception to the rule.
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When Tom Cruise jumps between two buildings in Night and Day
Here again, Tom Cruise does all of his antics himself. As evidenced by this scene where his character jumps between two buildings: “I looked at the place from which I had to jump from the roof, then at the large metal beam on which I had to land, a beam which was covered with a very small protective mat. I looked at this unfortunate little mat, and this stuntman, Casey O’Neill, said, ‘Even with the mat, it’s going to hurt like hell.’”explained the actor during the promotion of the film (in comments reported by Allocinated). And stunt coordinator Gregg Smrz paid tribute to the star: “It was typical of Tom to do that: he gives his all to all his stunts. He does them all himself, he never uses a stunt double. He’s very talented, but seeing him do all those stunts on This movie gave me white hair!”
Did Cameron Diaz Perform Her Own Stunts in Night and Day ?
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Sometimes Tom Cruise even does more than perform his stunts. During one of the most memorable sequences of Night and Day, Roy and June, pursued, ride at very high speed on motorbikes in small streets in Spain and quickly find themselves surrounded by a horde of bulls. The spy then makes the young woman pass in front of him. A tour de force imagined by Tom Cruise, well in advance of filming, before even knowing if the film would include sequences on two wheels. He shared his dream with director James Mangold who then made it happen. When it came time for the shots, Cameron Diaz also gave of herself by doing without the services of a body double (as in the majority of the film): “I was behind Tom on a motorbike slaloming between bulls who were pushing each other and ending up climbing on top of each other while people found themselves thrown against the walls…”she recalled during an interview with First.
“Tom Cruise is not going to crash with Cameron Diaz on his motorcycle”
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Tom Cruise adds: “It was like ping-pong with humans instead of the ball. And all the while I had to keep control of the bike, with Cameron clinging to me like crazy. ‘kept telling me, ‘You won’t crash with Cameron Diaz on your motorcycle, you won’t crash with Cameron Diaz on your motorcycle…’”. Cameron Diaz then adds with a laugh: “And I thought: ‘Tom Cruise is not going to crash with Cameron Diaz on his motorcycle’”. Yet not so accustomed to action films, Cameron Diaz likes this kind of sequences. “I love training for fight sequences. You get a few bumps, cuts and sprains, but it’s a lot of fun. When I went to the Golden Globes this year, right in the middle of filming Night and Day, I I had bruises all over my arms and my knees were all scratched up. But I loved it!”revealed the actress of Mary at all cost during the promotion of the film. Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz were made for each other.



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