WHERE TO FIND CRABS IN FRANCE For those born under the sign of Cancer, a trip to Normandy might be the ticket. Photo: Alamy Stock Photo
Dorothea Lasky and Alex Dimitrov, @poetastrolgers, are the duo behind Astro Poets—and accomplished poets in their own right. They bring a unique blend of poetry, humor and irony to the world of horoscopes when dispensing their wry astrological predictions online in their popular Substack and in their book “Astro Poets: Your Guide to the Stars” (Flatiron, 2019).
THE WORLD IS, rather famously, enormous. Deciding where to spend your vacation dollars can be a bewildering and stressful process. You could ask friends for suggestions, dramatically blindfold yourself and stick a pin in a map or—our personal suggestion—consult the stars. Here, our best guidance tailored to each sign.