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Visiting Family This Holiday? Avoid Travel Fatigue and Poor Sleep With These Tips

The holidays are some of the busiest travel days of the year, with many flying or driving across state lines to spend quality time with family. Although, the process of getting to your destination is the worst part. And from the uncomfortable, bumpy rides to jet lag that comes with crossing time zones, your quality of sleep is often a casualty. This is especially true if traveling itself makes you anxious. All of these disruptions can also add up to travel fatigue, which can lead you to feel groggy, cranky and exhausted.
A full night’s sleep is a crucial part of maintaining your physical and mental health. It promotes brain functions, repairs muscle tissue and boosts your mood so you can be your best self while you’re away. Consider the tips below to help cure poor-sleep woes for your next trip and get better sleep while traveling.
For more advice on how to get better sleep this season, here are 7 ways to minimize the impact of jet lag and how to adjust now that it gets darker earlier.
What is travel fatigue?
Travel fatigue is the physical manifestation of travel’s grievances. It can happen for instances such as: having anxiety about flying on a plane, stress from planning, long layovers, delayed flights or lack of sleep during travel. And although you’re mentally drained, travel fatigue can make it more difficult to get restful sleep.
Jet lag
Aside from travel fatigue, jet lag during travel can also make it a struggle to achieve quality sleep. Jet lag is a temporary sleeping disorder that develops when you cross time zones, and your body is thrown out of whack from its regular sleep-wake cycle.
Our body heavily depends on outside factors like sundown, sunrise and eating times to regulate the release of melatonin. As a result, your body has a difficult time readjusting during travel, leaving you feeling tired and having difficulty concentrating.
How to sleep better during travel
Combat travel fatigue, jet lag and uncomfortable sleeping circumstances by following these tips.
1. Prepare your body for the new schedule
Starting three days before you go, set your bedtime an hour later (depending on the time zone of where you’re traveling) each day. This will help your body become accustomed to the new time change that you’ll be experiencing in a few days, and allow you to fall asleep at a reasonable time when you’re away.
An exception to this rule: If you expect to be gone across time zones for only two days, stick to your regular sleeping schedule. By the time you adjust to the new time, you’ll be getting ready to head back home.
2. Do as the locals do
Once you arrive at your destination, try to sync up to their schedule. When people are awake in the morning and out-and-about, you should be, too. When the people around you are gearing up for bed, you should be about ready to hit-the-hay, as well. Unless your stay is two days long, this will help your body readjust even if it means you’ll be half-asleep at dinner.
3. Pack comfy
Pack your comfiest clothes for travel and a pillow to sleep with if you can fit it inside your suitcase. Loose-fitting fabrics can help you feel comfortable while you travel long distances, which is key if you’re hoping to get some sleep while on the road.
A pillow can also make it easier to fall asleep. Bring a standard pillow for the back seat of a car or a C-shaped pillow to wrap around your neck while on a plane or train.
4. Eat nutritiously and drink water
Staying hydrated and eating well while traveling not only will help you remain fueled up for different stages of travel, but it will also keep you from feeling hungry or thirsty if you want to doze off on the plane or in the car.
5. Use light to your advantage
The sun is a signal to our circadian rhythm that it’s time to be awake, and the night tells us it’s time for sleep.
If you travel from west to east, the best times of day to get light exposure are the late morning and late afternoon. That way, you stay awake and vigilant during the day, but you give your body the chance to wind down into the nighttime. If you travel from west to east, remain in the sun into the evening to help adjust to the new time.
6. Avoid alcohol on your first day
Hear me out. As fun as it is to get a drink on the airplane on the way to your destination or at dinner when you arrive, alcohol messes with your sleep-wake cycle. This is something you want to avoid during your first day of getting acclimated to the new time.
7. Avoid caffeine and nicotine
Caffeine and nicotine are stimulants that will make your body feel like it wants to be awake. Caffeine can stay in your system for up to five to six hours, making you feel wired when you should be winding down for bed. Nicotine, on the other hand, causes cravings and has no time limit. That means you can be laying awake in bed feeling tired, but your body stays awake wanting more nicotine.
8. If you have to stay awake, keep moving
Like light, body temperature also plays an important role in regulating our sleep-wake cycles. If your body is higher in temperature, it’s a signal that it’s time to be awake. It’s a reason why hot sleepers can have trouble getting quality sleep if they’re too warm. By keeping your body in motion and your heart rate up, you can help fight grogginess and fatigue that come with travel.
9. Use natural sleep aids
Melatonin is always an option, but I’m always wary of recommending it, because it can mess with your body’s natural production of melatonin. As an alternative, consider using natural sleep aids to help you fall asleep at night like herbal tea or CBD oil.
The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.
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