All that acreage and only fifteen courts…it would be nice if they could up the court density. Please also build one on the west side of the metro!
Maybe it will stop taking over all the gym space now.
We play on basketball courts in wintertime. Basketball is not the only sport, and we all pay taxes for rec centers. There is a huge demand for pickleball courts.
That banging noise…hope it is all contained to maintain the peace. If people living nearby can hear the banging, then there will be lawsuits. It’s 70 dB, Way more than what any HOA will allow. There have been dozens of lawsuits throughout the United States and the HOAs are losing left and right. Quiet enjoyment is a right of living.
Nobody hates pickleball like you! Move to the country if you don’t want suburban sounds in your neighborhood.
I wonder how long the pickle mania is going to last.
Pickleball saved me during the pandemic! Long live pickleball!
“Pickleball is a lifestyle, not a trend,” says hospitality entrepreneur Robert Thompson. “You hear a lot about pickleball facilities opening, but they’re not eatertainment concepts; they don’t bring together the model I put together in 2010.”That model became Punch Bowl Social, which debuted in 2012 in a former Big Lots on Broadway and grew into a twenty-location national chain at its peak. Thompson stepped away from the brand in 2020 for other projects, but his focus is now back on eatertainment with Camp Pickle . Next year, he’ll open a complex that combines pickleball facilities with food and drink, in an atmosphere inspired by 1940s-era camp culture. The first Camp Pickle will be next to the Top Golf in Centennial; a second will open in 2025 in Globeville.And judging from their comments on the Westword Facebook post of the Camp Pickle news , sports fans can’t wait. Says Debbie:Adds Erin:Responds Monika:Warns Kelli:Replies Mark:Wonders Sarah:Answers Josie:Do you play pickleball? What do you think of the Camp Pickle concept? Post a comment or share your thoughts at [email protected]