Nothing about flying is as exasperating as getting your flight delayed, cancelled or disrupted.
Arriving at or departing from a destination on time is one of the most important considerations a traveler takes before deciding whether to book a subsequent flight from the same airline.
Latest results from travel data analytics firm Cirium revealed that the most punctual airline last year in the global category was Colombia’s Avianca Airlines, which achieved an 85.73% on-time performance rate, followed by Brazil’s Azul Airlines (85.51%), which lost its top ranking. Qatar Airways came in third with an 85.11% OTP rate.
A global airline is defined as one that serves in three regions daily, the company said.
An airline’s on-time performance is calculated by whether the plane arrives at the gate within 15 minutes of the scheduled arrival time and if it departs within 15 minutes of the scheduled departure time.