Love vintage sleds but also need speed? Here’s something you don’t see every day. A 1 of 15 sled, made in the Crosby/Ironton area in 1960 coming up for sale. If you’ve got the money, this rare sled can be all yours!
I was on social media this weekend and a rare old sled caught my eye, as you don’t see too many of these anymore. It was a 1960 Polaris Trail A Sled in what looked to be mint condition! The seller added that it was a 4-seater and was 1 of only 15 made.
Image Credit: Paul Shea/TSM Screen grab Image Credit: Paul Shea/TSM Screen grab loading…
According to an online listing for a different air sled, these sleds could hit speeds of 100 mph, which is moving!
According to another online listing: